Upcoming MSCB performances
Would you like to become a musician in the band?
Support MSCB with your donations
The people and businesses who support us financially
Pieces that we would like to buy. Would you like to purchase one for us?
How to contact us, our history, our directors, and other tidbits
Photos from recent concerts
Section for band members only - password required

So you want to join the band

Mid-Shore Community Band is beginning its eighth season of music, fellowship, and fun. There are still openings for all adult musicians in the Mid-Shore area. High school students are also welcome, but must first be approved by the Music Director. Most of our music is grade 3 or higher. Rehearsals take place on Tuesday evenings in the Easton High School band room from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We currently need additional people in the following sections::

Clarinet Horn Percussion
Bass Clarinet Bassoon  

If you play another wind band instrument, we will be happy to have you too. For information on joining send your name, instrument and musical background to: director@mscb.org